Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blog Post #2

Technology changes everyday and as teachers we have to be able to change and adapt with it to benefit our students as well as ourselves. Technology now plays a large role in their life and effects how they learn. Now it is in our hands to use the technology to help our students.
Incorporating blogs into your style of teaching could effect students in many ways. I think they could be a useful tool in reaching students through technology but also teaching them the material they need to know. Using blogs for education can give students a chance to have the material presented to them and then given time to digest it and at home as homework blog about how they feel, think, or what don't understand about the material. The student can also see what everyone has posted and possibly see a new side of the material or understand it better coming from an understanding peer. As a teacher I would not think blogging was a waste of time, it gives each student a voice and a time to talk about the material. This might be where a shy student in class may excel, not everyone is comfortable with speaking in front of the class and blogging gives that student a chance to be heard and for everyone to see what they bring to the table as a student.
Giving each student the time and chance to voice their thoughts is very important. Using bloggs students can bounce ideas and thoughts off of the other and really learn and communicate. It is very important for students to know they have a voice and what they have to say is important and blogging is a way for them to accomplish both.

Jonassen, David H., and David H. Jonassen. Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008. Print

Blogs in Plain English [Video File]. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I agree with blogging for the students who may be shy to talk out in class. Education has to work for everyone and using this technology is just another way to get all children to love learning!
